quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2011

love is not sin, or is it ....

I'm just missing the words

Or they were absent from me

Perhaps in rebellion to my thoughts

That walk around aimlessly

Trying to find routes, roads, ports,

Open or closed the opening ...

Or find a boat, a plane a train!

Perhaps wings, which take me no return!

But you do not !!!!!!!

You always make you this .....

Or is it present in me ........

Ties tapes mimosas

I know, you do not mind if this ...

is only one poem, these fools!

unconnected, or rough, and sticky!

Hisses or the soul in sin

(do not know what sin is, I think).

love is not sin, or is it ?...)

Of those that have no rhyme,

That not rhyme, but with the life she bold!

that takes you and carries you

It is not fair, but it is a judge!

And it makes you labeled by your actions ...

Even a folly that thou

A delusional moments, unforgiving ...

The author, or actor, the silence ...

That kills or calm, rhyme the soul!

in a dream fantasies

absences in the absence

Love, passion that is life in the heart

or the devastating shot in a vacuum ...

absence of anybody who loved

Sandra Mello flower

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