quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010


I can not explain what they love.
I can not explain what love is, I know what love feels,
I do not know if the heart or soul.
I know he is in thought, and in the wake of the day
It's your love that you think, and at the end of the night
he came up to caress your love, your love.
Immense and vast love, lovely love that invades
And slowly makes you happy, to laugh for nothing for him your love
Time always with him is short,
For more endless minutes long and give it thee nested
The caresses you do to tell you that I love.
And the more he will invade, you're going to want to stripping
Keep it Agarradinho, want this crazy love of passion
What is bright, love to love, to love thy

Um comentário :

  1. adorei muito bonito poema
    gosto muito do teu trabalho teu livro esta fantastico
